🍺 Top-down Brew: Beer Engine 2024 - Concise and FlexStyle

Beer Engine 2024

The Beer Engine is free, open-source brewing software. It has greater flexibility than simple physical descriptions like 10 pounds of malt and one ounce of hops. The flexibility comes from percentage-driven calculations rather than physical weights and volumes. The calculations can be easily modified to meet the brewer's needs for volume, preferred units, and ingredient variations.

Concise Version

The compact variation has most of the recipe variables entered in a single field. Codes like m: for malt and h: for hops are used to code the recipe data. This version works nicely for recipes that are not meant to be altered, like clone beer recipes. Users can enter their own values for volume and similar batch variables.

Flexstyle Version

These calculators provide guidance for style-based recipe development. These meta-recipes are based upon BJCP style definitions, quantitative analysis from beer-analytics.com, and style guidelines written by experts. FlexStyle is a combination of "flexible" and "style."

Make Your Own

People who have basic HTML skills can easily make their own recipes with this software. The default values in the fields can be modified to make sharing beer recipes with other homebrewers. The Creative Commons license allows for free sharing. Attribution to this web site is appreciated.

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